
What to Expect From Ethereum’s Cancun-Deneb Upgrade

The beginning of “The Surge” era in Ethereum’s roadmap sees a range of enhancements to scalability, efficiency and security. Here’s a breakdown. The Ethereum blockchain has seen significant upgrades in recent times, enhancing its scalability, efficiency, and security. These improvements address the blockchain trilemma — the challenge of balancing security, decentralization and scalability. These ongoing […]

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Bear Market vs Bull Run : le halving du Bitcoin sera-t-il le déclencheur du prochain rallye haussier ?

Alors que le marché des cryptomonnaies est en plein bear market, le prochain halving de Bitcoin (BTC) se rapproche inexorablement. Cet évènement sera-t-il, comme à son habitude, l’élément déclencheur du prochain bull run ou cette narrative est-elle essoufflée ? Quels éléments signeront la fin du bear market ? Cryptoast vous propose son analyse. Qu’est-ce qu’un […]

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Guide complet sur le trading de cryptomonnaies pour les débutants

Qu’est-ce que le trading ? Le trading est un concept économique fondamental impliquant l’achat et la vente d’actifs. Il peut s’agir de biens et de services, pour lesquels l’acheteur verse une compensation au vendeur. Dans d’autres cas, la transaction peut impliquer l’échange de biens et de services entre les parties. Dans le contexte des marchés […]

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Non, la Preuve de Travail n’est pas une “erreur follement coûteuse”

L’envie d’écrire cet article m’est venue de la parution récente de deux papiers1 de M. Jean-Paul Delahaye, professeur émérite à l’université de Lille 1 et chercheur au Centre de recherche en informatique, signal et automatique de Lille (CNRS/Centrale Lille Institut/Université de Lille). J’ai cependant longuement hésité avant de m’y résoudre. En effet, j’avais l’impression que […]

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Simply Explained: Sandbox (SAND)

“The future is already here”– Yat Siu, co-founder of Animoca. Animoca Brands, a Hong-Kong based blockchain game developer and the creator of The Sandbox, achieved a valuation of $2.2 billion in October 2021. This came after the developer pulled in fresh capital from investors including Ubisoft Entertainment. The company made its name with play-to-earn blockchain games […]

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Simply Explained: Avalanche (AVAX)

Avalanche (token AVAX) is a Proof-of-Stake Layer-1 blockchain. Its two main use cases are: The creation of decentralised applications. The creation of Subnets. In their own words, Avalanche is: “Blazingly fast, Low cost, and Eco-friendly.” What evidence is there to support this? Blazingly fast: Not only does Avalanche have an impressive TPS of 4,500. But it […]

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Simply Explained: Bored Apes (BAYC)

Developed by Yuga Labs, the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) is a series of NFT profile pictures depicting disinterested-looking apes with randomly generated traits. The collection of 10,000 NFTs was launched in April. They are minted on the Ethereum blockchain and individual Bored Apes have sold for millions apiece. But what explains the rise of the BAYC?  What is an NFT? As […]

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Simply Explained: Ripple (XRP)

RippleLabs, Ripple Net and XRP- let’s break them down clearly.  Ripple Labs is the company.  Ripple Network is the platform.   XRP is the currency that runs on the platform.  Ripple Labs created XRP as a fast, cost-effective alternative to digital assets and traditional payment options.  “Making cross country payments over the internet will be as […]

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