Capsule 8: Capstone Project and Assessment

The Capstone Project is a critical component of the training program for senior software developers. It serves as a practical assessment of your ability to apply the knowledge and skills you've acquired throughout the course. The project involves designing and building a Discretionary Portfolio Management System using a modern technological stack, including C# .NET 8, EF Core, Microservices Architecture, Micro Frontend, Angular, and deployment on OpenShift.

Author: Sami Belhadj

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Capsule Overview

Your task is to develop a Discretionary Portfolio Management System that will be used by Portfolio Managers to manage investment portfolios on behalf of clients. The system must support key functionalities such as user management, portfolio creation, transaction processing, and reporting. The project will require you to implement a microservices architecture with a micro frontend, ensuring that the system is scalable, secure, and easy to maintain.

Technological Stack

Project Requirements

The Discretionary Portfolio Management System must include the following features:

Assessment Criteria

The Capstone Project will be assessed based on the following criteria:

Submission Guidelines

Your final submission should include the following components:


This Capstone Project is an opportunity to demonstrate your expertise in modern software development practices, including microservices, secure coding, performance optimization, and cloud deployment. Successfully completing this project will showcase your ability to design and implement complex, real-world applications, making it a valuable addition to your professional portfolio.

Session 36 : Capstone Project - Discretionary Portfolio Management System

Project Overview

The capstone project for senior software developers involves designing and building a Discretionary Portfolio Management System. This system will be used by Portfolio Managers to manage investment portfolios on behalf of clients. The project requires implementing a robust and scalable solution using a modern technological stack, adhering to best practices in software architecture, security, and performance.

Technological Stack

Project Requirements

The Discretionary Portfolio Management System must meet the following requirements:

Project Expectations

Senior software developers are expected to:

Submission Guidelines

Your submission should include:


The capstone project is an opportunity to showcase your ability to design and implement a complex, real-world application using modern technologies and best practices. By successfully completing this project, you will demonstrate your proficiency in software architecture, microservices, micro frontends, secure coding, and deployment on cloud platforms. This project will be a significant addition to your portfolio, highlighting your capabilities as a senior software developer.

Session 37 : Guided Work Session 1 - Capstone Project

Session Overview

This guided work session is designed to help senior software developers successfully complete their capstone project: a Discretionary Portfolio Management System. The session will provide step-by-step guidance, tips, and support throughout the project, focusing on architecture design, microservices setup, secure coding practices, and deployment.

Session Agenda

Hands-On Activities

Throughout the session, participants will engage in hands-on activities, including:

Expected Outcomes

By the end of this session, participants will have:

Session 38: Guided Work Session 2 - Capstone Project

Session Overview

This second guided work session is designed to build upon the progress made in the first session. The focus will be on integrating advanced features, ensuring data integrity, optimizing the application for performance, and preparing for final deployment. The session will provide hands-on guidance to help senior software developers finalize their Discretionary Portfolio Management System and prepare for the final assessment.

Session Agenda

Hands-On Activities

Participants will engage in hands-on activities, including:

Expected Outcomes

By the end of this session, participants will have:

Session 39: Guided Work Session 3 - Capstone Project

Session Overview

This third guided work session is focused on finalizing the Discretionary Portfolio Management System, ensuring that all components are fully functional, secure, and optimized. Participants will prepare their systems for the final assessment by conducting thorough testing, finalizing documentation, and refining their project presentations. This session will provide the last round of guidance and support to ensure a successful project submission.

Session Agenda

Hands-On Activities

Participants will engage in the following hands-on activities:

Expected Outcomes

By the end of this session, participants will have:

Session 40: Capstone Project Presentations

Event Overview

The Capstone Project Presentations event is an opportunity for senior software developers to showcase their work on the Discretionary Portfolio Management System. Each participant will present their project, highlighting the key features, architectural decisions, challenges faced, and the solutions implemented. This event serves as the final assessment for the capstone project and allows participants to demonstrate their technical and presentation skills.


Guidelines for Presenters

Presenters should adhere to the following guidelines to ensure a smooth and effective presentation:

Expected Outcomes

By the end of the Capstone Project Presentations event, participants will have:

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