Capsule 3: Software Architecture

Learn about various architectural styles and principles that guide the design of robust, scalable, and maintainable software systems.

Author: Sami Belhadj

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Capsule Overview

Capsule 3 focuses on Software Architecture, which is essential for creating systems that are scalable, maintainable, and efficient. This capsule covers:

Session 11: Fundamentals of Software Architecture (2 hours)


Software architecture refers to the high-level structure of a software system, encompassing the organization of its components, their interactions, and the guiding principles used to design and evolve the system. It acts as the blueprint for both the system and the project, providing a roadmap for developers, guiding decision-making, and ensuring that the system meets both functional and non-functional requirements.

1. Key Concepts in Software Architecture

Understanding the key concepts of software architecture is critical for designing robust, scalable, and maintainable systems. These concepts include:

1.1 Layers and Tiers

A layer in software architecture is a logical grouping of related functionality within an application. Layers separate concerns, ensuring that changes in one part of the system have minimal impact on other parts.

Example of Layered Architecture
        Presentation Layer: Handles the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX).
        |--- Business Logic Layer: Encapsulates the core business rules and processes.
        |--- Data Access Layer: Manages interactions with the database or other data sources.
        |--- Infrastructure Layer: Provides technical services like logging, security, and caching.

In a typical layered architecture, each layer only interacts with the layer directly below it, promoting separation of concerns and easier maintenance.

1.2 Separation of Concerns

Separation of concerns (SoC) is a principle that encourages dividing a program into distinct features that overlap as little as possible. By separating concerns, a system becomes easier to understand, develop, and maintain.

Example of Separation of Concerns
        - User Interface (UI): Focuses solely on presenting data to the user.
        - Business Logic: Handles data processing and business rules.
        - Data Storage: Manages how data is stored and retrieved.

In this example, the system is divided into distinct concerns, each responsible for a different aspect of the application.

1.3 Modularity

Modularity refers to the division of a software system into separate modules that can be developed, tested, and deployed independently. Each module encapsulates a specific functionality of the system.

Example of Modularity
        - Authentication Module: Manages user authentication and authorization.
        - Payment Module: Handles payment processing and transaction management.
        - Notification Module: Sends emails, SMS, and push notifications.

By breaking the system into modules, different teams can work on separate parts of the system without interfering with each other, and modules can be reused across different projects.

1.4 Architectural Patterns

Architectural patterns provide general, reusable solutions to commonly occurring problems in software architecture. Examples include Layered Architecture, Microservices, and Event-Driven Architecture.

Example of Microservices Architecture
        - User Service: Manages user accounts and profiles.
        - Order Service: Handles customer orders and payments.
        - Inventory Service: Manages product inventory and stock levels.
        - Each service is an independent, loosely coupled component, often deployed separately.

In a Microservices architecture, each service is independent, which allows for easier scaling, deployment, and maintenance.

2. Common Software Architecture Styles

There are several common software architecture styles, each suited to different types of applications and requirements. Some of the most widely used styles include:

2.1 Monolithic Architecture

In a monolithic architecture, all components of the application are tightly coupled and run as a single unit. This style is straightforward but can become cumbersome as the application grows.

Example of Monolithic Architecture
        - A single web application handling all business logic, UI, and database interactions.
        - Typically deployed as a single unit, often leading to large, complex codebases.

Monolithic architectures are simpler to develop initially but can become difficult to manage, scale, and deploy as the application grows.

2.2 Microservices Architecture

Microservices architecture decomposes an application into small, loosely coupled services that can be developed, deployed, and scaled independently. Each service is responsible for a specific business capability.

Example of Microservices Architecture
        - Multiple independent services, such as User Service, Order Service, and Inventory Service.
        - Each service is deployed independently and communicates with others via APIs.

Microservices architecture promotes flexibility and scalability, allowing teams to work on different services independently and deploy updates without affecting the entire system.

2.3 Event-Driven Architecture

Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) is centered around the production, detection, and reaction to events. It allows for loosely coupled systems where components can communicate asynchronously.

Example of Event-Driven Architecture
        - Event Producers: Generate events based on actions (e.g., User Registration).
        - Event Consumers: React to those events (e.g., Send Welcome Email, Update Analytics).
        - Event Brokers: Facilitate communication between producers and consumers (e.g., Message Queue).

In an Event-Driven Architecture, components are loosely coupled, leading to more flexible and scalable systems where components can evolve independently.

2.4 Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)

Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is an architectural style that supports the creation of discrete, reusable services that can be composed into a larger application. Each service is designed to perform a specific task and can be used across different applications.

Example of Service-Oriented Architecture
        - Services like Authentication, Payment, and Inventory are developed as standalone modules.
        - Services communicate via standardized protocols like HTTP or SOAP.

SOA allows for the integration of distributed services, promoting reuse and flexibility in building and scaling applications.

3. Non-Functional Requirements in Software Architecture

Non-functional requirements (NFRs) are critical to software architecture as they define the system's quality attributes. They include:

4. Example: Designing a Scalable E-Commerce System

Let's apply the concepts of software architecture to design a scalable e-commerce system:

4.1 Requirements

4.2 Architecture Design

        1. **Microservices Architecture**:
           - User Service: Manages user profiles and authentication.
           - Product Service: Manages product listings and inventory.
           - Order Service: Handles order placement, payment processing, and order tracking.
           - Notification Service: Sends emails, SMS, and push notifications.
           - Each service is deployed independently and scales based on demand.

        2. **Event-Driven Architecture**:
           - Events like "Order Placed", "Payment Processed", and "Inventory Updated" trigger actions across different services.
           - Use message brokers like Kafka or RabbitMQ to handle event-based communication.

        3. **Scalability**:
           - Use load balancers to distribute traffic across multiple instances of each service.
           - Implement caching for frequently accessed data to reduce database load.
           - Use auto-scaling to automatically add or remove instances based on traffic.

        4. **Security**:
           - Implement authentication and authorization using OAuth 2.0.
           - Use HTTPS for all communications and encrypt sensitive data.
           - Regularly update and patch all services to protect against vulnerabilities.

This design ensures that the e-commerce system can handle high traffic, is modular and scalable, and meets the non-functional requirements critical to its success.

5. Conclusion

Understanding the fundamentals of software architecture is essential for designing systems that are scalable, maintainable, and robust. By applying architectural principles and patterns, senior software developers can create systems that meet both current and future requirements, ensuring long-term success for their projects.

Session 12: Architectural Styles (2 hours)


Architectural styles are overarching patterns that define the structure and organization of a software system. They provide a blueprint for how components should interact, how responsibilities should be divided, and how the system should be structured to meet both functional and non-functional requirements. Understanding different architectural styles allows software developers to choose the right approach for a given problem, ensuring that the system is scalable, maintainable, and adaptable.

1. Monolithic Architecture

In a monolithic architecture, all components of the application are tightly coupled and run as a single unit. This style is straightforward and works well for small applications, but it can become cumbersome as the application grows in size and complexity.

Example of Monolithic Architecture
                /* A simple e-commerce application with a monolithic architecture might look like this: */

                class ECommerceApplication {
                    public void handleRequest(String request) {
                        // Handle the request, including UI, business logic, and data access
                        if (request.equals("placeOrder")) {

                    private void placeOrder() {
                        // Business logic to place an order

                    private void validateOrder() {
                        // Validate the order details

                    private void saveOrderToDatabase() {
                        // Save the order to the database

                    private void sendConfirmationEmail() {
                        // Send a confirmation email to the customer

                // Single deployment unit
                ECommerceApplication app = new ECommerceApplication();

In this example, the entire application is packaged and deployed as a single unit. All functionalities, from user interface handling to business logic and data access, are tightly coupled.

When to Use Monolithic Architecture

2. Microservices Architecture

Microservices architecture decomposes an application into a collection of loosely coupled services. Each service is independently deployable and is responsible for a specific business capability. This architecture promotes flexibility, scalability, and easier maintenance.

Example of Microservices Architecture
                /* In a microservices architecture, the same e-commerce application might look like this: */

                // User Service - Manages user data
                public class UserService {
                    public User getUser(@PathVariable String userId) {
                        // Fetch user data

                    public void createUser(@RequestBody User user) {
                        // Create a new user

                // Order Service - Manages orders
                public class OrderService {
                    public void placeOrder(@RequestBody Order order) {
                        // Place an order

                    // Each microservice has its own database, promoting separation of concerns
                    private void validateOrder(Order order) { /*...*/ }
                    private void saveOrderToDatabase(Order order) { /*...*/ }
                    private void sendConfirmationEmail(Order order) { /*...*/ }

                // Inventory Service - Manages inventory
                public class InventoryService {
                    public Product getProduct(@PathVariable String productId) {
                        // Get product details from the inventory

                // Each service can be deployed independently

In this example, the e-commerce system is broken down into independent services such as `UserService`, `OrderService`, and `InventoryService`. Each service can be developed, tested, deployed, and scaled independently.

When to Use Microservices Architecture

3. Layered Architecture

Layered architecture organizes the application into layers, where each layer has a specific responsibility. The most common layers include presentation, business logic, data access, and sometimes an infrastructure layer. This architecture promotes separation of concerns and simplifies testing and maintenance.

Example of Layered Architecture
                /* A typical layered architecture might be structured like this: */

                // Presentation Layer
                public class OrderController {
                    private final OrderService orderService;

                    public OrderController(OrderService orderService) {
                        this.orderService = orderService;

                    public void placeOrder(OrderRequest request) {

                // Business Logic Layer
                public class OrderService {
                    private final OrderRepository orderRepository;

                    public OrderService(OrderRepository orderRepository) {
                        this.orderRepository = orderRepository;

                    public void processOrder(OrderRequest request) {
                        // Business logic for processing an order
                        Order order = new Order(request);

                    private void validateOrder(Order order) {
                        // Validation logic

                // Data Access Layer
                public class OrderRepository {
                    public void save(Order order) {
                        // Code to save the order to the database

                // Infrastructure Layer
                public class DatabaseConnection {
                    public Connection getConnection() {
                        // Return a connection to the database

In this example, the application is divided into separate layers: Presentation, Business Logic, Data Access, and Infrastructure. Each layer has a clear responsibility, promoting separation of concerns and making the system easier to maintain.

When to Use Layered Architecture

4. Event-Driven Architecture

Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) is centered around the production, detection, and reaction to events. It enables asynchronous communication between components, leading to loosely coupled systems. Components produce and consume events, making the system more resilient and scalable.

Example of Event-Driven Architecture
                /* An event-driven e-commerce system might look like this: */

                // Order Service publishes an event when an order is placed
                public class OrderService {
                    private final EventBus eventBus;

                    public OrderService(EventBus eventBus) {
                        this.eventBus = eventBus;

                    public void placeOrder(Order order) {
                        // Business logic for placing an order
                        eventBus.publish(new OrderPlacedEvent(order));

                // Inventory Service subscribes to the event and updates inventory
                public class InventoryService {
                    public InventoryService(EventBus eventBus) {
                        eventBus.subscribe(OrderPlacedEvent.class, this::onOrderPlaced);

                    private void onOrderPlaced(OrderPlacedEvent event) {
                        // Update inventory based on the order

                // Notification Service subscribes to the event and sends a confirmation email
                public class NotificationService {
                    public NotificationService(EventBus eventBus) {
                        eventBus.subscribe(OrderPlacedEvent.class, this::onOrderPlaced);

                    private void onOrderPlaced(OrderPlacedEvent event) {
                        // Send confirmation email

                // Event Bus handles the communication between services


In this example, an event-driven architecture is used where different services react to events like `OrderPlacedEvent` without direct dependencies on each other. This allows for highly decoupled components that can be scaled independently.

When to Use Event-Driven Architecture

5. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)

Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is an architectural style where software components (services) provide functionality to other components or applications via a network. Each service is self-contained, reusable, and communicates with other services using standardized protocols like HTTP/HTTPS or SOAP.

Example of Service-Oriented Architecture
                /* In a service-oriented architecture, an e-commerce system might consist of: */

                // User Service
                public class UserService {
                    public User getUserDetails(String userId) {
                        // Fetch user details

                    public void createUser(User user) {
                        // Create a new user

                // Order Service
                public class OrderService {
                    public void placeOrder(Order order) {
                        // Place an order

                    public Order getOrderDetails(String orderId) {
                        // Fetch order details

                // Payment Service
                public class PaymentService {
                    public void processPayment(PaymentDetails paymentDetails) {
                        // Process payment

                // Services communicate using standardized protocols
                // e.g., UserService might call PaymentService via a SOAP or REST API

In this example, different services such as `UserService`, `OrderService`, and `PaymentService` are developed and deployed independently. They communicate with each other using standardized protocols, making the system flexible and scalable.

When to Use Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)

6. Serverless Architecture

Serverless Architecture abstracts the server management away from the developers, allowing them to focus on writing code. Applications are broken down into individual functions that are executed in response to events, such as HTTP requests or changes in a database.

Example of Serverless Architecture
                /* In a serverless architecture, an e-commerce function might look like this: */

                // Function to handle order processing
                exports.handler = async (event) => {
                    const order = JSON.parse(event.body);

                    // Process the order
                    const isValid = validateOrder(order);
                    if (!isValid) {
                        return { statusCode: 400, body: "Invalid Order" };

                    await saveOrderToDatabase(order);
                    await sendConfirmationEmail(order);

                    return { statusCode: 200, body: "Order Placed Successfully" };

                // Deploy this function to a cloud provider (e.g., AWS Lambda, Azure Functions)
                // The function is executed when an HTTP request is received

In this example, the order processing logic is encapsulated in a single serverless function. This function is deployed to a cloud provider and automatically scales to handle incoming requests without the need to manage the underlying infrastructure.

When to Use Serverless Architecture


Different architectural styles offer unique advantages and are suited to different types of problems. By understanding these architectural styles, senior software developers can choose the right approach for their projects, ensuring that the resulting system is scalable, maintainable, and meets both current and future needs.

Session 13: Domain-Driven Design (DDD) (2 hours)


Domain-Driven Design (DDD) is a software development approach that emphasizes collaboration between developers and domain experts to model complex software systems based on the core business domain. DDD focuses on understanding the business domain deeply and designing software systems that reflect and solve the real-world problems of that domain. By aligning the software architecture closely with the business processes and terminology, DDD helps in creating systems that are more maintainable, scalable, and aligned with the organization's goals.

1. Core Concepts of Domain-Driven Design

DDD introduces several core concepts that help structure the software system around the business domain:

1.1 Domain

The domain refers to the sphere of knowledge and activity around which the business operates. It is the area of expertise or knowledge that your application is concerned with. In DDD, the goal is to understand the domain deeply and model it accurately in software.

1.2 Entities

Entities are objects that have a distinct identity that runs through time and different states. An entity is defined primarily by its identity rather than its attributes.

Example of an Entity
                                class Order {
                                    private id: string;
                                    private items: OrderItem[];
                                    private status: string;

                                    constructor(id: string) {
                               = id;
                                        this.items = [];
                                        this.status = "New";

                                    public addItem(item: OrderItem): void {

                                    public getId(): string {

                                    public getStatus(): string {
                                        return this.status;

                                    public completeOrder(): void {
                                        this.status = "Completed";

In this example, Order is an entity because it has a unique identifier (`id`) that distinguishes it from other orders, regardless of the state of its attributes.

1.3 Value Objects

Value Objects are objects that are defined by their attributes rather than their identity. They are immutable, meaning their state cannot change after they are created.

Example of a Value Object
                                class Money {
                                    private amount: number;
                                    private currency: string;

                                    constructor(amount: number, currency: string) {
                                        this.amount = amount;
                                        this.currency = currency;

                                    public getAmount(): number {
                                        return this.amount;

                                    public getCurrency(): string {
                                        return this.currency;

                                    public equals(other: Money): boolean {
                                        return this.amount === other.amount && this.currency === other.currency;

In this example, Money is a value object because it is defined by its attributes (`amount` and `currency`). Two `Money` objects are considered equal if they have the same amount and currency.

1.4 Aggregates

An aggregate is a cluster of entities and value objects that are treated as a single unit for data changes. The aggregate has a root entity, known as the aggregate root, which controls access to the other entities within the aggregate.

Example of an Aggregate
                                class OrderItem {
                                    private productId: string;
                                    private quantity: number;
                                    private price: Money;

                                    constructor(productId: string, quantity: number, price: Money) {
                                        this.productId = productId;
                                        this.quantity = quantity;
                                        this.price = price;

                                    public getProductId(): string {
                                        return this.productId;

                                    public getQuantity(): number {
                                        return this.quantity;

                                    public getPrice(): Money {
                                        return this.price;

                                class Order {
                                    private id: string;
                                    private items: OrderItem[];
                                    private status: string;

                                    constructor(id: string) {
                               = id;
                                        this.items = [];
                                        this.status = "New";

                                    public addItem(item: OrderItem): void {

                                    public getItems(): OrderItem[] {
                                        return this.items;

                                    public getId(): string {

                                    public completeOrder(): void {
                                        this.status = "Completed";

In this example, Order is an aggregate root that manages a collection of `OrderItem` entities. The `OrderItem` objects can only be modified through the `Order` aggregate root.

1.5 Repositories

Repositories are used to encapsulate the logic needed to retrieve and store aggregates. They provide an abstraction over the data access layer, allowing the domain model to remain agnostic to the underlying data storage technology.

Example of a Repository
                                interface OrderRepository {
                                    findById(orderId: string): Order;
                                    save(order: Order): void;

                                class InMemoryOrderRepository implements OrderRepository {
                                    private orders: Map = new Map();

                                    public findById(orderId: string): Order {
                                        return this.orders.get(orderId);

                                    public save(order: Order): void {
                                        this.orders.set(order.getId(), order);

In this example, OrderRepository provides methods to retrieve (`findById`) and save (`save`) `Order` aggregates. The implementation (`InMemoryOrderRepository`) stores orders in memory, but the domain model remains unaware of this detail.

1.6 Services

Services are used to encapsulate domain logic that doesn’t naturally fit within an entity or value object. Domain services typically represent operations that involve multiple entities or that don't belong to any specific entity.

Example of a Domain Service
                                class PaymentService {
                                    public processPayment(order: Order, paymentDetails: PaymentDetails): PaymentReceipt {
                                        // Logic to process the payment for the order
                                        // This might involve interacting with a payment gateway, etc.
                                        return new PaymentReceipt(order.getId(), paymentDetails.getAmount(), new Date());

In this example, PaymentService is a domain service that handles payment processing, which doesn’t belong to any single entity like `Order` or `PaymentDetails`.

2. Bounded Contexts

A bounded context defines the boundaries within which a particular domain model is applicable. It helps to manage complexity by breaking down a large domain into smaller, more manageable pieces, each with its own model. Bounded contexts are often aligned with different teams or departments within an organization.

Example of Bounded Contexts
                                /* Consider an e-commerce system with two bounded contexts: */

                                // Order Management Context
                                // - Manages orders, payments, and invoices.
                                class Order {
                                    // Order-related logic

                                // Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Context
                                // - Manages customer data, profiles, and interactions.
                                class Customer {
                                    // Customer-related logic

                                // Each context has its own model and is responsible for its own part of the domain.

In this example, the `Order Management` and `Customer Relationship Management (CRM)` contexts have their own domain models. Each context is responsible for its specific part of the business domain, reducing complexity and making the system easier to manage.

Integrating Bounded Contexts

When multiple bounded contexts need to interact, DDD promotes using well-defined interfaces or shared kernel patterns to manage the integration, ensuring that changes in one context don’t inadvertently affect another.

3. Ubiquitous Language

Ubiquitous language is a common vocabulary used by both developers and domain experts to describe the domain and its processes. It ensures that everyone involved in the project has a shared understanding of the key concepts and terms. This language should be used consistently in code, documentation, and conversations.

Example of Ubiquitous Language
                                /* Consider an example where developers and domain experts agree on the following terms: */

                                // Terms like "Order", "Customer", "Payment", and "Invoice" are used consistently in:
                                class Order { /* ... */ }
                                class Customer { /* ... */ }
                                class Payment { /* ... */ }
                                class Invoice { /* ... */ }

                                // Using these terms in code, conversations, and documentation ensures everyone is on the same page.

In this example, terms like `Order`, `Customer`, `Payment`, and `Invoice` are part of the ubiquitous language. These terms are used consistently across the project to ensure clear communication and understanding among all stakeholders.

4. Example: Designing a Simple Order Management System

Let’s apply the principles of Domain-Driven Design to design a simple order management system:

4.1 Understanding the Domain

First, we need to understand the core domain and the problem we are solving. In this case, the domain is e-commerce, and we are focusing on managing customer orders, including order creation, payment processing, and order fulfillment.

4.2 Identifying Entities, Value Objects, and Aggregates

        /* Core Entities:
        - Order: Represents a customer order.
        - Customer: Represents a customer who places orders.
        - Product: Represents products available for purchase.

        Value Objects:
        - Money: Represents monetary values (e.g., price).
        - Address: Represents a shipping address.

        - Order: Aggregate root, contains order items and manages order lifecycle.

        class Order {
        private id: string;
        private customerId: string;
        private items: OrderItem[];
        private status: string;

        constructor(id: string, customerId: string) { = id;
        this.customerId = customerId;
        this.items = [];
        this.status = "New";

        public addItem(product: Product, quantity: number, price: Money): void {
        this.items.push(new OrderItem(product.getId(), quantity, price));

        public completeOrder(): void {
        this.status = "Completed";

        class OrderItem {
        private productId: string;
        private quantity: number;
        private price: Money;

        constructor(productId: string, quantity: number, price: Money) {
        this.productId = productId;
        this.quantity = quantity;
        this.price = price;

In this example, `Order` is the aggregate root that manages a collection of `OrderItem` entities. `Money` is a value object representing the price of products.

4.3 Defining Repositories and Services

        /* Repositories:
        - OrderRepository: Manages retrieval and persistence of Order aggregates.

        interface OrderRepository {
        findById(orderId: string): Order;
        save(order: Order): void;

        // Domain Service:
        class PaymentService {
        public processPayment(order: Order, paymentDetails: PaymentDetails): PaymentReceipt {
        // Process payment logic
        return new PaymentReceipt(order.getId(), paymentDetails.getAmount(), new Date());

The `OrderRepository` provides an abstraction over the data access logic for orders, while `PaymentService` handles payment processing as a domain service.

4.4 Defining Bounded Contexts

                                /* Bounded Contexts:
                                   - Order Management Context: Manages orders, payments, and fulfillment.
                                   - Customer Management Context: Manages customer data and profiles.

                                class OrderManagementContext {
                                    // Logic related to orders and payments

                                class CustomerManagementContext {
                                    // Logic related to customer data and profiles

By separating the `Order Management` and `Customer Management` contexts, we ensure that each context is responsible for its specific part of the domain, reducing complexity.

5. Benefits of Domain-Driven Design

Domain-Driven Design offers several advantages:

  • Alignment with Business Goals: By focusing on the core domain and working closely with domain experts, DDD ensures that the software is closely aligned with business goals and terminology.
  • Improved Communication: The use of ubiquitous language improves communication between developers and domain experts, reducing misunderstandings and ensuring that everyone is on the same page.
  • Modular and Maintainable Code: By organizing the codebase around bounded contexts and aggregates, DDD promotes modularity, making the code easier to maintain and evolve.
  • Focus on the Core Domain: DDD encourages developers to prioritize the most important aspects of the business domain, leading to better decision-making and resource allocation.


Domain-Driven Design is a powerful approach to software development that helps create systems that are closely aligned with the business domain. By focusing on the core domain, using ubiquitous language, and organizing the system around entities, value objects, aggregates, and bounded contexts, senior software developers can build systems that are flexible, scalable, and maintainable, while ensuring that they meet the needs of the business.

Session 14: Vertical Slices Architecture (2 hours)


Vertical Slices Architecture is a design approach that structures software systems around distinct features or business capabilities, rather than around technical concerns like data access, business logic, or user interfaces. Each vertical slice represents a complete, end-to-end feature, encompassing everything from the user interface to the database, including the necessary business logic, data access, and infrastructure. This architecture promotes high cohesion within a feature and loose coupling between features, making the system more modular, maintainable, and scalable.

1. Core Concepts of Vertical Slices Architecture

Vertical Slices Architecture revolves around several key concepts that help ensure the software is organized around delivering complete features rather than being split into technical layers:

1.1 Feature-Based Organization

In Vertical Slices Architecture, the application is organized by features rather than by layers. Each feature encapsulates everything it needs to function independently, including the UI, business logic, data access, and any external integrations.

Example of Feature-Based Organization
                                        /* Consider a simple e-commerce system with the following features: */

                                        - CreateOrderFeature
                                          - UI: Order creation form
                                          - Business Logic: Order validation and processing
                                          - Data Access: Storing order data
                                          - Integration: Payment gateway interaction

                                        - ViewOrderFeature
                                          - UI: Order details page
                                          - Business Logic: Order retrieval and formatting
                                          - Data Access: Fetching order data
                                          - Integration: Inventory service for real-time stock updates

                                        - CancelOrderFeature
                                          - UI: Order cancellation button
                                          - Business Logic: Order cancellation logic
                                          - Data Access: Updating order status
                                          - Integration: Notification service for sending cancellation emails

                                        /* Each feature is self-contained and independent from others. */

In this example, the e-commerce system is divided into three vertical slices: `CreateOrderFeature`, `ViewOrderFeature`, and `CancelOrderFeature`. Each slice contains all the necessary components to implement that feature end-to-end.

1.2 High Cohesion, Low Coupling

Vertical Slices Architecture promotes high cohesion within each feature and low coupling between features. This means that all the components required to implement a feature are grouped together, minimizing dependencies on other parts of the system.

Example of High Cohesion and Low Coupling
                                        /* High cohesion within the "CreateOrderFeature": */

                                        - OrderController: Handles HTTP requests for order creation.
                                        - OrderService: Contains business logic for order processing.
                                        - OrderRepository: Manages database interactions for order storage.
                                        - PaymentGateway: Handles payment processing.

                                        /* Low coupling between "CreateOrderFeature" and "ViewOrderFeature": */

                                        - ViewOrderFeature is independent of CreateOrderFeature.
                                        - Changes to how orders are created do not affect how they are viewed.

In this example, the `CreateOrderFeature` has high cohesion, as all related components are grouped together. It has low coupling with `ViewOrderFeature`, allowing each feature to evolve independently.

1.3 Feature-Based Testing

Testing in Vertical Slices Architecture is also organized around features. Instead of testing technical layers in isolation, tests are written for each feature, ensuring that the entire feature works as expected from end to end.

Example of Feature-Based Testing
                                        /* Test cases for the "CreateOrderFeature": */

                                        - TestCase: "Order Creation with Valid Data"
                                          - Ensures the order is created successfully and stored in the database.
                                          - Mocks the payment gateway and verifies payment processing.

                                        - TestCase: "Order Creation with Invalid Data"
                                          - Ensures validation logic correctly identifies and rejects invalid orders.
                                          - Verifies that no data is stored and no payment is processed.

                                        - TestCase: "Order Creation with Payment Failure"
                                          - Simulates a payment gateway failure and verifies that the order is not created.
                                          - Checks that appropriate error messages are returned to the user.

In this example, the tests are organized around the `CreateOrderFeature`, ensuring that all aspects of this feature, from validation to payment processing, work together correctly.

2. Advantages of Vertical Slices Architecture

Vertical Slices Architecture offers several advantages, particularly for complex, feature-rich applications:

  • Modularity: By organizing the system into independent vertical slices, it becomes easier to add, remove, or modify features without affecting the rest of the system.
  • Maintainability: Each feature can be developed, tested, and deployed independently, making the codebase easier to maintain over time.
  • Scalability: Different features can be scaled independently based on demand, optimizing resource usage.
  • Focus on Business Value: Vertical Slices Architecture encourages developers to think in terms of delivering complete features that provide value to the business, rather than focusing on technical concerns.

3. Practical Example: Building a Blog Application Using Vertical Slices

Let’s apply the principles of Vertical Slices Architecture to design a simple blog application with the following features:

3.1 Feature 1: Create Post

                                        /* CreatePostFeature includes: */

                                        // UI: HTML form for creating a new blog post
// Controller: Handles HTTP POST request to create a new post @PostMapping("/posts/create") public String createPost(@RequestParam String title, @RequestParam String content) { createPostService.createPost(new CreatePostCommand(title, content)); return "redirect:/posts"; } // Service: Contains the business logic for creating a post public class CreatePostService { private final PostRepository postRepository; public CreatePostService(PostRepository postRepository) { this.postRepository = postRepository; } public void createPost(CreatePostCommand command) { Post post = new Post(command.getTitle(), command.getContent());; } } // Data Access: Saves the new post to the database public class PostRepository { private final DataSource dataSource; public PostRepository(DataSource dataSource) { this.dataSource = dataSource; } public void save(Post post) { // SQL logic to insert the post into the database } } // Command: Represents the input data for creating a post public class CreatePostCommand { private final String title; private final String content; public CreatePostCommand(String title, String content) { this.title = title; this.content = content; } public String getTitle() { return title; } public String getContent() { return content; } }

In this example, the `CreatePostFeature` includes the UI form, controller, service, repository, and command object needed to create a new blog post. All the components required for this feature are grouped together, making it easy to manage.

3.2 Feature 2: View Post

                                        /* ViewPostFeature includes: */

                                        // UI: HTML page for displaying a blog post
                                        public class ViewPostPage {
                                            public String render(Post post) {
                                                return "

" + post.getTitle() + "

" + "

" + post.getContent() + "

"; } } // Controller: Handles HTTP GET request to view a post @GetMapping("/posts/{id}") public String viewPost(@PathVariable String id, Model model) { Post post = viewPostService.getPost(id); model.addAttribute("post", post); return "viewPostPage"; } // Service: Contains the business logic for retrieving a post public class ViewPostService { private final PostRepository postRepository; public ViewPostService(PostRepository postRepository) { this.postRepository = postRepository; } public Post getPost(String id) { return postRepository.findById(id); } } // Data Access: Retrieves the post from the database public class PostRepository { // Assume a method to retrieve a post by ID exists public Post findById(String id) { // SQL logic to retrieve the post from the database } }

In this example, the `ViewPostFeature` includes the components necessary to retrieve and display a blog post, from the UI to the data access layer. This feature is self-contained, allowing it to be developed and tested independently.

3.3 Feature 3: Edit Post

                                        /* EditPostFeature includes: */

                                        // UI: HTML form for editing an existing blog post
// Controller: Handles HTTP POST request to edit a post @PostMapping("/posts/edit/{id}") public String editPost(@PathVariable String id, @RequestParam String title, @RequestParam String content) { editPostService.editPost(new EditPostCommand(id, title, content)); return "redirect:/posts/{id}"; } // Service: Contains the business logic for editing a post public class EditPostService { private final PostRepository postRepository; public EditPostService(PostRepository postRepository) { this.postRepository = postRepository; } public void editPost(EditPostCommand command) { Post post = postRepository.findById(command.getId()); post.setTitle(command.getTitle()); post.setContent(command.getContent());; } } // Command: Represents the input data for editing a post public class EditPostCommand { private final String id; private final String title; private final String content; public EditPostCommand(String id, String title, String content) { = id; this.title = title; this.content = content; } public String getId() { return id; } public String getTitle() { return title; } public String getContent() { return content; } }

In this example, the `EditPostFeature` handles all aspects of editing a blog post, from the UI form to the business logic and data access. This feature can be modified independently of other features.

4. Vertical Slices vs. Layered Architecture

Vertical Slices Architecture differs from traditional layered architecture, where the application is divided into horizontal layers (e.g., presentation, business logic, data access). In a layered architecture, changes in one layer often require changes in other layers, making the system more tightly coupled and harder to maintain. In contrast, Vertical Slices Architecture organizes the system around business capabilities, leading to higher cohesion within features and lower coupling between them.

5. Practical Tips for Implementing Vertical Slices Architecture

  • Start Small: Begin by implementing a few key features as vertical slices to see how it fits within your existing architecture.
  • Organize by Features: Structure your project around features instead of technical layers. Each feature should be self-contained and include everything needed to deliver that functionality.
  • Encapsulate Business Logic: Ensure that the business logic for each feature is encapsulated within that feature, minimizing dependencies on other parts of the system.
  • Use Feature-Specific Tests: Write tests that verify the functionality of each feature end-to-end, ensuring that all components work together as expected.
  • Independent Deployment: If possible, design your features to be independently deployable, allowing you to release updates for one feature without affecting others.


Vertical Slices Architecture is a powerful approach to organizing software systems around business capabilities rather than technical layers. By focusing on delivering complete features as independent slices, senior software developers can create modular, maintainable, and scalable systems that are aligned with business needs. This architecture helps to reduce complexity, improve maintainability, and enable faster delivery of new features.

Session 15: TDD and BDD in Software Architecture (2 hours)


Test-Driven Development (TDD) and Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) are two closely related software development practices that emphasize writing tests or specifications before writing the actual code. These practices are highly valuable in the context of software architecture, ensuring that the system is built to meet both functional and non-functional requirements, while also being maintainable and scalable.

1. Test-Driven Development (TDD)

TDD is a development practice where developers write a failing test before writing the minimum amount of code required to pass the test. This cycle is repeated, gradually building up the functionality of the software. TDD helps ensure that the software is well-tested, promotes better design, and encourages a modular and loosely coupled architecture.

1.1 The TDD Cycle

The TDD cycle consists of three main steps, often referred to as Red-Green-Refactor:

  • Red: Write a test that fails because the functionality doesn't exist yet.
  • Green: Write the minimum amount of code necessary to pass the test.
  • Refactor: Refactor the code to improve its structure and readability, while ensuring that all tests still pass.
Example of TDD in Action
                                        // Step 1: Write a failing test (Red)
                                        public void testCalculateTotalPrice() {
                                            Cart cart = new Cart();
                                            cart.addItem(new Item("Laptop", 1000));
                                            cart.addItem(new Item("Mouse", 50));
                                            assertEquals(1050, cart.calculateTotalPrice());

                                        // Step 2: Write just enough code to pass the test (Green)
                                        public class Cart {
                                            private List items = new ArrayList<>();

                                            public void addItem(Item item) {

                                            public int calculateTotalPrice() {

                                        // Step 3: Refactor the code (Refactor)
                                        public class Cart {
                                            private List items = new ArrayList<>();

                                            public void addItem(Item item) {

                                            public int calculateTotalPrice() {

In this example, we start by writing a test for calculating the total price of items in a shopping cart. Initially, the test fails because the functionality doesn't exist. We then write the minimum code necessary to pass the test and finally refactor the code to improve its readability and maintainability.

1.2 TDD in the Context of Software Architecture

In the context of software architecture, TDD can be applied at various levels:

  • Unit Testing: TDD is commonly used for unit testing, where individual classes or methods are tested in isolation.
  • Integration Testing: TDD can also be used to write integration tests that ensure different components or modules of the architecture work together as expected.
  • Architectural Testing: TDD can guide the development of the overall architecture by ensuring that each architectural component is developed and tested incrementally.

2. Behavior-Driven Development (BDD)

BDD is an extension of TDD that focuses on the behavior of the system from the perspective of its stakeholders. BDD encourages collaboration between developers, testers, and domain experts by using a shared language to describe the behavior of the system in a way that non-technical stakeholders can understand. BDD often uses a natural language format to write specifications, making it easier to ensure that the software meets business requirements.

2.1 The Structure of BDD Scenarios

BDD scenarios are typically written in the Given-When-Then format:

  • Given: Describes the initial context or state of the system.
  • When: Describes the action or event that triggers the behavior.
  • Then: Describes the expected outcome or result of the action.
Example of BDD in Action
                                        Feature: Shopping Cart Total Price Calculation

                                          Scenario: Calculate the total price of items in the cart
                                            Given the shopping cart contains a "Laptop" priced at $1000
                                              And the shopping cart contains a "Mouse" priced at $50
                                            When the user checks out
                                            Then the total price should be $1050

In this example, we define a BDD scenario that describes the behavior of calculating the total price of items in a shopping cart. The scenario is written in a way that can be understood by both technical and non-technical stakeholders.

2.2 BDD in the Context of Software Architecture

BDD can be applied at different levels of software architecture:

  • Feature Development: BDD scenarios can guide the development of features by describing the expected behavior before implementation begins.
  • Acceptance Testing: BDD can be used for acceptance testing, ensuring that the system behaves as expected from the end-user's perspective.
  • Communication with Stakeholders: BDD scenarios serve as a communication tool between developers, testers, and domain experts, ensuring that everyone has a shared understanding of the system's behavior.

2.3 BDD Tools

There are several tools available to support BDD, which allow the automated execution of BDD scenarios:

  • Cucumber: A popular BDD tool that allows you to write specifications in Gherkin syntax (Given-When-Then) and automate their execution.
  • SpecFlow: A BDD tool for .NET that integrates with Cucumber and supports writing specifications in natural language.
  • JBehave: A BDD framework for Java that supports writing scenarios in a natural language and mapping them to Java code.

3. Practical Example: Using TDD and BDD Together

Let’s consider a practical example of developing a feature using both TDD and BDD approaches:

3.1 Feature: User Login

Step 1: Write BDD Scenario
                                        Feature: User Login

                                          Scenario: Successful login with valid credentials
                                            Given a registered user with email "" and password "password123"
                                            When the user attempts to log in with the email "" and password "password123"
                                            Then the user should be logged in successfully

In this BDD scenario, we describe the expected behavior for a successful user login. This scenario serves as a guide for implementing and testing the login feature.

Step 2: Implement TDD for the Login Feature
                                        // Step 1: Write a failing test (Red)
                                        public void testLoginSuccess() {
                                            UserRepository userRepository = new InMemoryUserRepository();
                                            userRepository.addUser(new User("", "password123"));

                                            AuthService authService = new AuthService(userRepository);
                                            assertTrue(authService.login("", "password123"));

                                        // Step 2: Write just enough code to pass the test (Green)
                                        public class AuthService {
                                            private UserRepository userRepository;

                                            public AuthService(UserRepository userRepository) {
                                                this.userRepository = userRepository;

                                            public boolean login(String email, String password) {
                                                User user = userRepository.findByEmail(email);
                                                return user != null && user.getPassword().equals(password);

                                        // Step 3: Refactor the code (Refactor)
                                        public class AuthService {
                                            private UserRepository userRepository;

                                            public AuthService(UserRepository userRepository) {
                                                this.userRepository = userRepository;

                                            public boolean login(String email, String password) {
                                                User user = userRepository.findByEmail(email);
                                                if (user == null) {
                                                    return false;
                                                return user.getPassword().equals(password);

In this TDD example, we start by writing a failing test for the login functionality. We then write just enough code to pass the test and finally refactor the code to improve its readability and maintainability.

3.2 Integrating TDD and BDD

By using TDD and BDD together, we ensure that the code is well-tested at both the unit and behavior levels. The BDD scenarios guide the overall feature development, ensuring that the system meets the business requirements, while TDD ensures that the individual components are well-tested and correctly implemented.

4. TDD and BDD in the Context of Software Architecture

Both TDD and BDD play important roles in the context of software architecture:

  • Designing for Testability: When using TDD, the architecture needs to be designed in a way that makes it easy to write and execute tests. This often leads to better modularization, decoupling, and the use of design patterns such as dependency injection.
  • Ensuring Alignment with Business Goals: BDD helps ensure that the architecture and the system as a whole are aligned with business goals by focusing on behavior that delivers value to users and stakeholders.
  • Driving the Architecture: TDD and BDD can drive the architecture by encouraging a feature-first approach, where the architecture evolves to support the required features and behaviors.
  • Improving Collaboration: BDD, in particular, fosters collaboration between developers, testers, and domain experts, leading to a shared understanding of the system and reducing the risk of misunderstandings.


Test-Driven Development (TDD) and Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) are powerful practices that can significantly enhance the quality, maintainability, and alignment of a software system with business goals. By applying TDD and BDD in the context of software architecture, senior software developers can create systems that are not only well-tested but also well-structured, modular, and aligned with the needs of the business and its users.

Capsule 3: Practical Lab Exercise (2 hours)


This lab exercise is designed to help you apply the concepts covered in Capsule 3, including Clean Code practices, Refactoring Techniques, Design by Contract, and TDD & BDD practices. You will work on a small software project, implementing and improving it using these principles and techniques. The goal is to create clean, maintainable, and well-tested code that adheres to the principles of good software design.

Exercise Overview

In this exercise, you will refactor an existing codebase, implement missing functionality using TDD, enforce Design by Contract principles, and ensure that the final implementation follows Clean Code practices. The codebase simulates a simple library management system that allows users to borrow and return books.

Step 1: Code Review and Identifying Code Smells

Start by reviewing the provided codebase. Identify any code smells or areas where the code violates Clean Code principles. Look for issues such as long methods, unclear variable names, lack of comments, tightly coupled classes, or any other anti-patterns.

Initial Code Example
                                                public class Library {
                                                    private List books = new ArrayList<>();
                                                    private List users = new ArrayList<>();

                                                    public void addBook(Book book) {

                                                    public void registerUser(User user) {

                                                    public void borrowBook(String userId, String bookTitle) {
                                                        User user = null;
                                                        for (User u : users) {
                                                            if (u.getId().equals(userId)) {
                                                                user = u;
                                                        if (user == null) return;

                                                        Book book = null;
                                                        for (Book b : books) {
                                                            if (b.getTitle().equals(bookTitle) && !b.isBorrowed()) {
                                                                book = b;
                                                        if (book != null) {

                                                    public void returnBook(String userId, String bookTitle) {
                                                        User user = null;
                                                        for (User u : users) {
                                                            if (u.getId().equals(userId)) {
                                                                user = u;
                                                        if (user == null) return;

                                                        for (Book b : user.getBorrowedBooks()) {
                                                            if (b.getTitle().equals(bookTitle)) {

In this example, the code has several issues, such as long methods, tightly coupled classes, and unclear logic. Identify these issues and list them for refactoring.

Step 2: Refactor the Code

Refactor the code to address the issues you identified in Step 1. Apply appropriate refactoring techniques such as extracting methods, renaming variables, and breaking down large classes into smaller, more manageable components.

Refactored Code Example
                                                public class Library {
                                                    private List books = new ArrayList<>();
                                                    private List users = new ArrayList<>();

                                                    public void addBook(Book book) {

                                                    public void registerUser(User user) {

                                                    public void borrowBook(String userId, String bookTitle) {
                                                        User user = findUserById(userId);
                                                        if (user == null) return;

                                                        Book book = findAvailableBookByTitle(bookTitle);
                                                        if (book == null) return;


                                                    public void returnBook(String userId, String bookTitle) {
                                                        User user = findUserById(userId);
                                                        if (user == null) return;

                                                        Book book = user.findBorrowedBookByTitle(bookTitle);
                                                        if (book == null) return;


                                                    private User findUserById(String userId) {
                                                                    .filter(u -> u.getId().equals(userId))

                                                    private Book findAvailableBookByTitle(String bookTitle) {
                                                                    .filter(b -> b.getTitle().equals(bookTitle) && !b.isBorrowed())

In this refactored code, we’ve broken down the methods into smaller, more manageable pieces, made the logic clearer, and improved the overall structure of the code.

Step 3: Implement Missing Functionality Using TDD

Identify any missing functionality that should be implemented in the system. Use Test-Driven Development (TDD) to implement this functionality. Write a failing test first, then implement the minimum code required to pass the test, and finally refactor the code while keeping all tests green.

Example of TDD for Adding Late Fees
                                                // Step 1: Write a failing test for late fees
                                                public void testLateFeeCalculation() {
                                                    Book book = new Book("Effective Java");
                                                    User user = new User("user1");

                                                    // Simulate a late return
                                                    double lateFee = user.calculateLateFee(book);
                                                    assertEquals(10.0, lateFee, 0.01); // Assuming $1 per day late fee

                                                // Step 2: Implement code to pass the test
                                                public class User {
                                                    private List borrowedBooks = new ArrayList<>();

                                                    public void borrowBook(Book book) {

                                                    public double calculateLateFee(Book book) {
                                                        long daysLate = ChronoUnit.DAYS.between(book.getBorrowDate(), - 7;
                                                        return daysLate > 0 ? daysLate * 1.0 : 0.0;

                                                // Step 3: Refactor the code to improve clarity
                                                public class User {
                                                    private List borrowedBooks = new ArrayList<>();

                                                    public void borrowBook(Book book) {

                                                    public double calculateLateFee(Book book) {
                                                        long daysLate = calculateDaysLate(book.getBorrowDate());
                                                        return daysLate > 0 ? daysLate * 1.0 : 0.0;

                                                    private long calculateDaysLate(LocalDate borrowDate) {
                                                        return ChronoUnit.DAYS.between(borrowDate, - 7;

In this example, we implement the calculation of late fees using TDD. We start with a failing test, implement the necessary code to pass the test, and then refactor the code to improve clarity.

Step 4: Enforce Design by Contract

Apply the principles of Design by Contract to the system by specifying preconditions, postconditions, and invariants for key methods and classes. This will ensure that your code behaves correctly under specified conditions and that any violations are caught early.

Example of Applying Design by Contract
                                                public class Book {
                                                    private String title;
                                                    private boolean borrowed;
                                                    private LocalDate borrowDate;

                                                    public Book(String title) {
                                                        if (title == null || title.isEmpty()) {
                                                            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Title cannot be null or empty");
                                                        this.title = title;

                                                    public void setBorrowed(boolean borrowed) {
                                                        if (borrowed && this.borrowed) {
                                                            throw new IllegalStateException("Book is already borrowed");
                                                        this.borrowed = borrowed;

                                                    public void setBorrowDate(LocalDate borrowDate) {
                                                        if (borrowDate == null) {
                                                            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Borrow date cannot be null");
                                                        this.borrowDate = borrowDate;

                                                    public boolean isBorrowed() {
                                                        return borrowed;

                                                    public LocalDate getBorrowDate() {
                                                        return borrowDate;

                                                    public String getTitle() {
                                                        return title;

In this example, we enforce Design by Contract by adding preconditions and postconditions in the `Book` class to ensure that the title is valid, the book cannot be borrowed more than once, and the borrow date is not null.

Step 5: Use BDD to Define Feature Scenarios

Define feature scenarios using Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) to ensure that the system's behavior aligns with business requirements. Write scenarios in the Given-When-Then format to describe expected outcomes for different user interactions with the system.

Example of BDD Scenario for Borrowing a Book
                                                Feature: Borrowing a Book

                                                  Scenario: Successful book borrowing
                                                    Given a user is registered in the library
                                                      And the library contains a book titled "Clean Code"
                                                    When the user borrows the book "Clean Code"
                                                    Then the book should be marked as borrowed
                                                      And the book should be added to the user's borrowed books list

                                                  Scenario: Borrowing an already borrowed book
                                                    Given a user is registered in the library
                                                      And the book titled "Clean Code" is already borrowed
                                                    When the user attempts to borrow the book "Clean Code"
                                                    Then the borrowing should be denied
                                                      And an error message should be displayed to the user

In this example, BDD scenarios are defined for borrowing a book from the library. The scenarios describe the expected behavior when a book is successfully borrowed and when an attempt is made to borrow a book that is already borrowed.

Step 6: Run Tests and Ensure All Scenarios Pass

Finally, run all the tests and ensure that all scenarios pass. This includes unit tests, integration tests, and BDD scenarios. If any tests fail, go back and fix the issues before moving forward.

Example of Running Tests
                                                // Run all tests and ensure they pass
                                                    BDDScenarios.class // Assuming BDD scenarios are implemented as tests
                                                public class AllTests {
                                                    // This will run all the specified test classes

In this example, we create a test suite that runs all the tests in the project, ensuring that everything works as expected and all scenarios pass.


Submit your refactored code, along with a short document explaining the refactoring techniques you applied, the TDD process you followed, how you enforced Design by Contract, and how you used BDD to define feature scenarios. Include any challenges you faced and how you overcame them.

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